The Spice of Life

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It's Easier Than It Looks!

Finally! I'm able to access my blog! For some reason I've been having trouble with the site for the last 4 days. So my apologies if I told you to check out my blog and then didn't post anything. Who am I kidding!? No one reads this anyway!
I arrived in Guatemala a few days ago and I have to say, it was a very smooth ride. I got bumped to first class when I got to Houston so the flight into Guate was quite pleasurable. As soon as I got off the plane, I met a girl from upstate NY that was headed to Antigua on a shuttle. We caught up again later at Cafe Sky (the name sort of says it all) to watch the sun go down and take in the view of the volcanoes surrounding the city. Seriously, everything just fell into place. I'm so glad I didn't listen to all of the crazy warnings about how dangerous Guate is. Yes, it's not exactly safe to travel in any undeveloped country and specifically as a single woman but the scare tactics really piss me off.
I can't help but compare this place (Antigua specifically) with Nicaragua (Granada specifically). It seems so similar except that Guate is more like Nica on steriods. There's more restaurants, more backpackers, more volcano hikes....I haven't been able to discern whether this is good or bad. Guate is more developed for travelers to get around but Nica is more tranquil and then there's also the beaches....for now we'll call it a draw.
Special thanks to Mike and John...La Casa de Don Ismael is a great little spot! I just want to hug the people there everytime I see them.


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